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Consumption of global logistics in 2022

Consumption of global logistics in 2022
22/09/2022 zweiarts

Logistics is an extremely important administration area as it is responsible for the functioning of the entire supply chain. Therefore, its consumption around the world is inevitable, largely because of the production of goods and, consequently, for the availability of these products.

In fact, the year 2022 is very atypical. After two years of a global pandemic, logistics has been facing several challenges, both economic and political. But after all, how is consumption in this area going during this unusual year? Understand now!

The disruption in the supply chain

One of the main effects of the pandemic on logistics has been the disruption in the supply chain. This is due to the “Start / Stop” economy, which became very common during the pandemic and still persists in the area.

As a result, structural bottlenecks are emerging at certain key points of logistics in several countries, such as the USA itself. In this way, an inflationary effect has been affecting the consumer’s life.

High investments in technology

The inflationary effect also generates a lack of manpower in the main ports and highways and, therefore, the inputs in the logistics chain have been rising. With the pressure of costs and the lack of professionals in the sector, the trend is that more and more is invested in technology.

Therefore, the consumer will be positively influenced in this process, since all this investment tends to generate more efficiency in the processes, with the automation and traceability of loads, and greater transparency and security.

Regulation and inspection in the Brazilian logistics sector

In Brazil, regulatory and inspection measures in the road sector tend to influence not only the consumer, but also the truck drivers themselves. Actions such as the entry of the EDT (Electronic Document of Transport), the increase in inspections on the use of freight letters, the non-payment of toll vouchers and the collection of INSS tend to positively affect the work of truck drivers. In terms of consumption, the EDT and government proposals generate important innovations in terms of service provision.

Therefore, due to the consequences and effects that the pandemic is still causing, the year 2022 has been another period of great volatility in the logistics sector. The trend is that, from the use of technologies that meet current customer demands and the innovation of platforms in the sector, these challenges are overcome over time.