How to prepare your business for commemorative dates?
-Important business dates need special attention and care
Reduce your costs with tax intelligence
-Tax intelligence is a practice that can be considered common here at MAC Logistic, it helps to reduce your costs…
Redesign and planning of the logistic network
-The logistic network is commonly referred to as the distribution chain of a company, starting with the elaboration and manufacturing…
Supply Chain Impacts of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
-Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine brings even more consequences and challenges to the supply chain, which is still seeking its…
How Artificial Intelligence can help – and a lot – the role of Commerce
-Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly present in the day-to-day of Foreign Trade to help the most varied functions in the sector.
The influence of the chinese new year on global logistics
-China celebrates the passage from one year to the next differently than the rest of the world thanks to the use of a lunar calendar since ancient times…
Prazo para cobrar por atraso na devolução de contêiner é de 5 anos, diz STJ
-A pretensão de cobrança de valores relativos a despesa de sobre-estadia de contêineres (demurrage) previamente estabelecidas em contrato de transporte marítimo unimodal prescreve em cinco anos.
Governo decide nesta sexta-feira se vai zerar tarifas de importação de soja e milho
-Cerca de um mês depois de reduzir a zero, até dezembro deste ano, a alíquota de importação de arroz de…
Comércio exterior da China tem recuperação vigorosa e totaliza US$ 3,44 trilhões até setembro
-O comércio exterior da China aumentou 7,5% anualmente no terceiro trimestre deste ano, segundo os dados oficiais divulgados nesta terça-feira (13).